Sunday, December 4, 2016


Mother’s grueling incisors
Crueling ‘cross my bones
Bearing crosses beside our homes
Leaving gouges in their wake.

A thousand, thousand tears
Make up a single laugh:
My cross to bear, my dear.
As they calcify my fear, my dear,
I am left bereft with no one left,
And I can only cry,
“What humor have I left
in here with no one left to hear?”
As whispers whisper
Inside of here
In sight of her, my dear,
Looking on and loping ‘long
A ways away from wayward sons
As far and away from here
As she would dare, my fear.

Their whispers glister
Ever after, after ever
Never closer than this, my seer,
Always louder than a hiss, my dear
Just a touch, a breath
Without much else, and nothing less
But just a kiss beside my ear.
And all I hear
Are honeyed words
Licked and cleaned
By her love’s death
And all that’s left
Is no one’s best
Within this padded room, I bear.

Saturday, December 3, 2016

Patreon Pals!

So thanks to a bunch of people and some new life choices, I am seriously amping up my artistry and all that jazz.
So join my pals on Patreon!

Here is my Patreon.

If you like my work here or elsewhere, consider clicking on the link above and supporting me there.

For those who don't know, Patreon is a community funded artistic community.
Think a lot like Kickstarter, but where artists can actually make a living as opposed to going from project to project.
There are all sorts of reward tiers including:

  • $1/month where you get access to all of my artistic work and patreon only blog posts
    • novels
    • short stories
    • plays
    • scripts
  • $2/month: early access to my poetry and artistic blogs
  • $3/month: access to all of my scripts and novel drafts 

There are higher ones than that, but seriously anything that you can afford is greatly appreciated.

I am posting this here today because this is the first day of my new campaign, which means...that's right...
So no new posts today.
I know.
SO sad.

But, today is just as good a day as any to get started and support me on Patreon!

Thank you and have the best day!